Our residential homes offers vacancies for young people of either gender. We offer a stable home with individual care planning for each young people and ensure that we work in consultation with the children and other stakeholders to provide a positive outcomes.
We understand that some young people may be excluded from full time education, therefore our residential homes makes provisions for this, we will support attendance in education based on their individual needs, this may be attendance of mainstream provisions, PRU’s or specialist schools. Education is treated as a priority and a great importance for all young people.
Each home has a statement of purpose which reflects the criteria we can support, these include children with Emotional Behavioral Difficulties (EBD), mild learning Disabilities and Complex Needs.
We do not take emergency referrals, we like to ensure each young person is supported in to moving into one of our homes, we like to do this planned with the placing authority at the young person’s pace wherever possible. We also understand this may not always be the case, we will try to ensure each young person coming into the home has the chance where possible to meet someone from the home who will go through the young person’s guide and advise the young person about our home and services
Please ask for a copy of our Statement of Purpose, young peoples guide and complaint pack to find out more about our residential model, staff and services in great detail.
Our homes do not look any different from any other home from outside, this continues inside within the limitations of our regulatory body (Ofsted) requirements. We like our home to have a safe nurturing environment b which are safe, attractive home for young people to develop and share with us. We like to encourage the young people to have their say on the home environment and they will be encouraged to personalize their own rooms.